Aesthetics of Sound

Pobeda Cinema, Lenina street 7, 630099 Novosibirsk Map
Tickets: 150 RUB


19:00 21:00

Screening of silent movies and animation films from the soviet era with soundtracks by contemporary russian musicians, including Nocow, HMOT, Andrei Oid, John’s Kingdom, Pixelord, Foresteppe, Piper Spray, Lapti.

Aesthetics of Sound is a project aimed at identifying and exploring the role of sound as a physical and cultural phenomenon within diverse social contexts varying from business to arts. As part of the project, a series of screenings of silent movies and animation films from the Soviet era have been selected and paired to contemporary Russian composers, musicians and producers, resulting in an original soundtrack for each of the works.

The collection consists of eight films that are nearly forgotten, much undervalued, created by innovators and enthusiasts from the postrevolution and civil war period, and remain known only to experts in the history of Soviet cinema. Nonetheless these works represent a pivotal stage in the development of animated film.

Every screening is an experiment, where musicians and sound producers from different cities and regions of the country, representatives of various musical communities and independent labels, try to reimagine the atmosphere and conceptual contents of preselected films with their music. The only condition given to the participants is to try and avoid any creative constraints, express their vision of the material freely.

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